Matlab with comsol
HelloI am doing multiple simulations in matlab using a comsol code. In theory, it is working correctly but after spending time (about a day simulating) I get the following error that I link in an...
View ArticleInk absorption in Paper as a porous media flow
Hello everyone, I would like to set up a macroscopic model of a microscopic flow of ink in a paper sheet domain. I am mostly intereste in modelling the absorption rate as a function of the porosity but...
View Articleshear rate -dependent viscosity changes
Hi,I am looking for the options / tutorial model, which explains how to include "shear-rate-dependent viscosity changes " in laminar flow module. Actually, I like to simulate shear-thinning behavior of...
View ArticleProblem with Primary Current Distribution using a Porous Electrode
I set up the primary current distribution in COMSOL using a porous electrode. The electrolyte potential inside the porous electrode region is not changing at all for primary cd, hence the current...
View ArticleVibration simulation.
Hi!I just need some help of how i could simulate this kind of excersice.Thank you.
View ArticleConstraining the results between 0 and pi
Hi I am trying to model nematic liquid crystal behaviour under an electric field.To do this I solve the following PDE. Where is the angle of the liquid crystals with respect to the x axis. The...
View ArticleWhy positive ion decreases even with no recombination?
Hello I faced a problem and i have no idea why this happensI'm simulating a air discharge(N2, O2, H2O) in a pulse applied voltagethis is global model (0 dimension)I'm simulating in a step wise...
View ArticleHow to add modification term or factor to a model?
Hello everyone,In pipeflow module, I would like to introduce some factor or additional term in the friction factor's expression. How can I implement that? I found it is impossible to invoke the...
View ArticleDisk error while writing to temporary solution file
The below post is related to an archived discussionI also encountered similar error and I believed this type of error occurred due to the limitation of storage space in my C:/ drive. Since COMSOL...
View ArticleThe droplet is moved by centrifugal force in a rotating plane spiral pipe
What should I do if I want to achieve it?Are there any references or examples?
View ArticleMaterial model settings
what is the reason for this problem? The variable is not compatible with the added variable of the same name: root.comp1.solid.alphap. -Reason: different sizes -Previous variable:...
View ArticleElectrochemistry - Negative concentration
Hello,I am trying to simulate two electrodes in generator-collector mode using the Secondary Current Distribution coupled with Transport of Diluted Species physics in version 5.4. Currently, I am just...
View ArticleArtifacts in temperature profile across interfaces
I am a relatively new COMSOL user, and I am having trouble with the Heat Transfer module (Multiphysics 5.5) where there are artifacts in the temperature profile of a system with interfaces or...
View ArticleFull 3D Mesh Import with Topology Preservation
Dear all,I need to import custom meshes into Comsol, and I have to write my output routine. The choice is now about what format I should output, so that Comsol will import it as it is.A very strict...
View Articlesurface integration of a derived temperature distribution
I have just started learning COMSOL and have a problem now.I derived the surface temperature distribution of a sphere using COMSOL. After that, I calculated the net radiation force of the sphere, i.e....
View ArticleHow to define a Temporary Flux Discontinuity BC
Thank you for reading my post.I want to define a temporary flux discontinuity boundary condition in a Transport of Diluted Species simulation (time-dependent). I want to control the flux of a chemical...
View ArticleHow to incorporate power-law rheology in two phase Darcy's law module of...
Hello everyone!I am trying to model the flow of a power-law fluid through a 2-D porous medium of circular geometry, which is initially filled with air. I am using the two phase Darcy's law module for...
View ArticleDean Flow Modelling In MicroChannels
The below post is related to an archived discussionDid anyone able to visualize the dean flow in spiral geometry? I created a model with laminer and particle tracing module incorporating wall induced...
View ArticleSplit boundary conditions
In a lot of my models (example attached), I have two domains, one on top of the other. The bottom one is rigid and the top one undergoes creep. I want the base of the top domain to generally be fixed...
View ArticleFluid Structure Interaction
Im trying to model a fluid entering the eye. This is modelled as a fluid being injected between 2 layers. There is an inlet but there is not supposed to be an outlet as the fluid should enter in and...
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