Tribolelectric nanogenerators
Hello all,can someone please help me in doing a simulation for triboelectric nanogenerator contact seperation mode.
View ArticleAcoustic wall
Sirs,I need some help. I'm tring to do a basic simulation: I need to calculate how much energy pass through a simple concrete wall.I did the following geometry: a box filled with air and in the middle...
View ArticleShowing boundary not use for meshing and solving in result graphics
I created a simple beam bending model as attached to experiment ways to meet the goal. There is a rectangle beneath the free end of the beam. I used "Virtual operations->Igonore Faces" with "ignore...
View ArticleEvaluate surface charge density on a plate capacitor
Hi,I am trying to evaluate the surface charge density on one plate of a parallel plate capacitor and using the Electrostatics module for this purpose. I have constructed a dummy model which just...
View ArticleUser manuals and Orthotropic material parameters
Hi,I am new to COMSOL and are looking for relevant user manuals (in this case for the solid / structural Mechanics module. Specifically I am looking for in depth manuals explaining the different...
View ArticlePipe erosion due to contaminant particles
Hi I am a newbie and I just came across the pipe erosion model in COMSOL. I wonder why the parameters include f, kappa, Hs and those. I try to delete these terms but the model can still be run. Can...
View ArticleUse of Normal Vectors
Hi all. After the really helpful response to my question about deforming domains I have a follow up question. The load I am applying to the deforming domain portion of the model is calculated using a...
View ArticleRandomly distribute inhomogeneous material properties in space from their...
Hi everyone,I'm working with the Li-ion Battery physics in 3D and for my problem, materials don't have constant homogenous properties (ex: conductivity, radius of particles, etc...) but heterogenous...
View ArticleUndefined variable error in Chemistry module
Hi, I'm modeling a heterogeneous surface reaction with the Chemistry module. For a reaction A(g) + S(ads) <=> A(ads) (where S denotes a surface site), the rate expression for A(g) must be equal...
View ArticleDiscrepancy between plate/shell/thin 3D solid
Hello, I am trying to do a very simple eigenfrequency analysis on a 17cm.17cm.25um plate. My material has E=4.95GPa, rho=1.38g/cm^3, nu=0.4. I tried using three different physics modules: - 2D plate...
View ArticleBatch Export Plots for Parametric Sweep
Hi all, I'm using COMSOL 5.3A and I have a model where I run a parametric sweep with two parameters. I'm wondering if there is a way to export my plot for each individual solution automatically (i.e....
View ArticleHow to define the material properities for the specific mesh element
Hello,all. I want to give specific material properties to specific mesh element. For example, create a cirlce in COMSOL, create material and mesh. Set the permittivity as 1 in material for the whole...
View ArticleHow to accumulate the solution of a parametric sweep?
I have a time dependent study of an Electrochemical machining process. I used a parametrics study to change a geometry "Nozzel location". I want to accomulate the results of each solution meaning i...
View ArticleHow to Model Liquid-Gas-Liquid interface via membrane ?
Hello!I am trying to model liquid-liquid membrane contactor for ammonia removal using absorbent. However, I have difficulties in modeling the membrane part!So I will have diluted ammonia concentration...
View ArticleHow to model a distribuited spring a 2D-model in Fsi module.
Hello everybodyI would like to create a model of two layers of fluid separated by a membrane, and I would like to impose a membrane's constitutive layer proportional to the difference between the...
View ArticleMATLAB+Comsol Colorbar scaling
Hi,I am trying to post process my surface plot with LiveLink. Everything seems to work I just couldn't find a way to scale my colorbar to the size of the picture so that the colorbar isn't 5 times as...
View ArticleRigid Wall / Basement Mechanical Constraint
Hello,it´s probably a ridiculous question, but I need a mechanical constraint just like an ideal rigid wall or basement which the DUT is unable to penetrate but is able to lift off it. A roller...
View ArticleModifying the stiffness matrix Element based by using Livelink
Hello,Can you tell me how can I modify the stiffness matrix element based by using Livelink? I want to modify the stiffness matrix and feed it to the code and then re-run the model.Thank you,
View ArticleAverage over smoothed data
Hello,I am calculating the average of some 2D data. If I understand correctly, Comsol calculates the integral of the raw data over the selected domain. However, when I plot the data on a surface plot,...
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