I need some help. I'm tring to do a basic simulation: I need to calculate how much energy pass through a simple concrete wall.
I did the following geometry: a box filled with air and in the middle a concrete wall. I have selected the frequency domain study on the acoustic-solid interaction module. I inserted the pressure on some edge and a rigid wall on the other air wall and on study settings, I put the frequency Range (0,100, 1000). I made the mesh and when I try to evaluate values I'm with the following error (image attached):
Division by zero. - Function: / Failed to evaluate variable. - Variable: - Defined as: 1/(^2) Failed to evaluate expression. - Expression: dvol_spatial((1/comp1.acpr.rho_c)( Failed to evaluate Jacobian of expression. - Expression: ((-comp1.acpr.gradpxcomp1.acpr.gradtestpx-comp1.acpr.gradpycomp1.acpr.gradtestpy-comp1.acpr.gradpzcomp1.acpr.gradtestpz-comp1.acpr.p_ttest(comp1.p)comp1.acpr.ik^2)
What I must to change?