I am working on a sensor model in which transport of dilute studies module is used with a time dependent study to acquire the concentration inside the sensing film. This concentration information then needs to be fed into an electrostatic stationary study to extract the capacitance. I have accomplished this by using the option to set a user controlled "values of variables not solved for'. However, it only allows me to do this with one value from the time dependent study at a time.
I would like to be able to get a stationary solution for each conentration at each time step without having to manaully run a new stanonary study for each. There does not seem to be any room in the 'values of dependent variables' section to use withsol() or any other tricks I have seen online that work for feeding multiple values from a stationary study to another stationary study. The issues seems to be that I cannot access the concentration at each timestep inside the time dependent solution set because time cannot be set as a parameter.
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.