I am working on a comsol model. The model includes solid mechanics with deformed meshes module, Mesh Smoothing type =>Laplace. I have one moving boundary. The movement of the boundary is governed by the "Prescribed Normal Mesh Velocity".
After sucessfully moving the boundary for few steps, Local segments of with high curvature appears in the boundary. Every automatic remeshing sequence, amplifies the local curvature of boundary segments.
I tried to activate "Moving Boundary Smoothing", under "Prescribed Normal Mesh Velocity", with defalt value of .
But it don't works. It gives an error:
"Undefined variable - comp1.vmbsyTY", where vmbsy is mentioned as Smoothing mesh velocity, y component, in discription.
I don't have any idea how to define this variable.
Can anyone help?
Thanks and regards A P