How to work in AC & DC combined electric fields
Dear all, I am using a model which has condctors with AC & DC voltage placed at certain distance apart. For AC voltage i am using a sin wave and for DC just voltage. I am using a time dependent...
View ArticleThick Slice plots
Hello, I was trying to formulate temperature distribution in a thick pipe due to the heat transfer from flowing hot fluid. After calculations, I tried to represent the distribution in the form of SLICE...
View ArticleForm unions or assembly
Guys, I'm a Novice, now a question stay in my mind. I built a simple model, and want to calculation force. When I choose form unions, it can get a force value. But, when choose form assembly, what it...
View ArticleSpecifying strain-charge form for material parameter
Is there a way to tell comsol to use strain-charge form instead of stress-charge form method? I have a piezo material whose compliance and coupling matrices I know.Thanks,
View ArticleHow to solve a time dependent study of a 3D electromagnet ?
Feature: Time-Dependent Solver 1 (sol1/t1) Failed to find consistent initial values. Undefined value found. NaN or Inf found when solving linear system using BiCGStab. Last time step is not converged.I...
View ArticleRegarding Mesh formation
How to create a mesh in nanolevel layer of a structural material i am analysing?
View ArticleThermoelectric generator with a load resistance below internal TEG resistance
Dear Experts,I have modelled a single thermoelectric generator (TEG) coupling in COMSOL and connected a electrical circuit consisting of a single resistor using 'External I vs. U' coupling. Using a...
View ArticleHow to pass command line options to the java compile through "comsol compile"
Hello, My problem is that my system JDK (on linux) is more recent than what comsol accepts. As far as I remember the java compile can be instructed to produce class files with older versions (using the...
View ArticleMulti-stack piezoelectric device simulation
Hi,I have a thin layer of piezoelectric material sandwiched between relatively thin film of two distinct metals. I am experiencing few problems while setting up the simulation.First, the material...
View ArticleInterpolation of material property inside domain
Hello everyoneI am looking forward to do tDCS human brain modelling where I will interpolate measured conductivity information of brain using MRI into human head model in COMSOL 5.0. I have prepared...
View ArticleUsing a sliced 3D solution in a 2D simulation
Hello, I have a model file which contains a 3D and 2D geometry. The 2D geometry was created from the 3D geometry using a cross section. I would like to use the solution of the 3D geometry, evaluated at...
View ArticleHow to model a magnet in comsol ?
Hi, I am new to Comsol .I want to model a magnet with its two sides (north and south) ,in order to attract a simple shape built in Co-Ni material.In fact , I have to extract the necessary force that...
View ArticleCan comsol do wave simulation
As mentioned in the title, can comsol do the wave simulation, I need to analyze the force and power of the float in waves.
View ArticleElectrostatic free energy for a confined nanoscale object in a fluid
Hi,I am trying to model a nanoparticle in an electrostatic trap and then trying to calculate electrostatic potential and free energy from it. I am redoing this model as it is mentioned in this paper :...
View ArticleFriday, June 7: Early Abstract Submission Deadline for COMSOL Conference 2019
Hello COMSOL Users!This Friday, June 7, is the Early Bird Abstract Submission deadline for the COMSOL Conference 2019 Boston. Submitting your abstracts by this date will qualify you for a reduced...
View ArticleI am getting different radiation pattern when I change the PML distance
HiIn my scattering problem, I am getting different radiation pattern when I change the PML distance. I don't know how exactly does the straton-chu formula uses the near field. Is there any way to solve...
View ArticleCapacitance versus distance plot in coplanar sensors
We need to check the value of capacitance with respect to distance for capacitive soil moisture sensor. Please suggest how to do that?
View Article[Application Builder] Linux compatilibity problem
I'm currently working on an application on Windows created with the Application Builder. When running this application on Linux (or Mac), everything mostly works. However, the following line works...
View ArticleWaveoptics Module, Transmission Numerical Ports
Hello,I am simulating photonic structures in a multi-mode waveguide operation. For this, I am using numerical ports for exciting specifc modes in the waveguides and using numerical ports as well for...
View ArticleComsol CPU usage drops to 0% and "crashes"
Hello everyoneI'm having trouble solving some models:After a certain time solving (hours), Comsol just stops solving, and its CPU usage drops to zero, or close, when it normally sits around 60 %.From...
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