Time dependent study crashes at missing thermal resistance parameter
Hey guys,i encountered a weird problem regarding a time dependent study solving heat transfer in terms of thermal resistance intersections. First of all, im working with Comsol 5.3a and a stationary...
View ArticleElectrical resistance strain gauge model
Hi, I would like to ask if anyone has already done a model of an electrical resistance strain gauge. I've tried to model it and to apply a force in order to strain the substrate below the strain gauge....
View ArticlePlot electric field for a grating structure with finite periods
Hi all,I am new to COMSOL and just studied the Plasmonic Wire Grating tutorial using Wave Optics model.I want to generate a figure with many periodic cells instead of just one, but can't find...
View ArticleImporting Well Locations with Specified Contaminant Concentration for Model...
Hello,I am using transport of diluted species in porous media to simulate a groundwater contamination plume. I am trying to import a.txt file containing local coordinates of monitoring well locations...
View ArticleFluid-Structure Interaction
I used two physics interfaces including FSI and Piezoelectric devices for my project. There is an interaction between fluid and the a part of piezoelectric devices. For comsol version 5.3a, the...
View ArticleHelp to describe the equations
Can anyone help with a detailed description of attached below equations (Solid Mechanics and Linear Elastic Material), because Comsol's help is not very useful.I will be glad to any links with help or...
View Articleinitialize timestep and Temperature to use prev()
Hello, to calculate the current cooling rate I use the formula (T-prev(T,1))/(t-prev(t,1)). However. In the first step I cannot use the prev() command, as there are no values before the first step. Can...
View ArticleHistory can not be erased, comsol complains about wrong number of func arguments
Hello, I had a function x1 with 1 argument. I have then changed this function to have 3 arguments, and updated every node in the geometry tree which used this function. COMSOL still keeps complaining...
View ArticleAbsorption coefficient of two phase
I am currently working on a case where I want to study the absorption coefficient of solid particles in water. How should this process be simulated? Welcome everyone to guide and communicate. Thank you...
View ArticleCopper plate influence for permanent magnetic field
There is a small copper plate in permanent magnetic field, which can rotate a little, and due to their eddy currents it can make some influence for initial magnetic field. My main issue is to find that...
View ArticleLayered Composite Structures for piezoelectric materials
Hello all,I am very new to COMSOL and this might be a simple question. I am trying to simulate the piezoelectric voltage-charge behaviour of a PZT stack. Therefore, it has a alternative layered...
View ArticleDiagonal or lumped mass matrix
Hi, For time dependent problems, is there any way to choose diagonal or lumped mass matrix in comsol?
View ArticleImport mph file generated on a different student license?
Hello, I'm considering returning to school to pursue a PhD. I'm not sure if I'm able to purchase Comsol through the university.If I am able to do so, does the software allow me import any files created...
View ArticleUndefined variable
Undefined variable. - Variable: comp1.spf.K_stress_tensoryx - Geometry: geom1 - Domain: 3 Failed to evaluate Jacobian of expression. - Expression: comp1.spf.K_stress_tensoryx Failed to evaluate...
View Articledetermination of the refractive index from S matrix for a metamaterial unit cell
Hi all, I'm trying to the determine the effective refractive index for a metamaterial unit cell. For this case, the cell is oriented parallel to the propagation direction (k) as show in the references...
View ArticleI am trying to make a surface plot of the first strain invariant
Hello all,I am trying to make a surface plot of the first strain invariant in my model.In the solid mechanics module, I don't seem to have access to it. However I have seen documentation which states...
View ArticleMeasure Stress at Certain Point using Probes
Dear COMSOL users, How to measure the stress in my model at certain points by using probes?
View ArticleDiscretization
Which discretization method would you recommend for concentrations in the Electroanalysis node? Default is linear.Lasse
View ArticleVacuum Packaging the gyroscope
Hello, I want to vacuum package the gyroscope and then carried out the stress analysis and thermal analysis. But i don't know how to package the device in comsole. Can any one here help me out please.
View ArticleHow can honey fluid be modified by COMSOL?
I drunk over it, and this question inspired me, because it was very ropy and high crystallinity. If somebody has an idea, let us have a contect.
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