Tuning Fork Bisection Example
Hiya,I'm trying to use bisection to find the correct prong length for a tuning fork to give a specific freq eg 400 Hz.function[optlength,optfreq]=optimize_tuning_fork(model,freq_target) %simple...
View ArticleLiveLink with Matlab example
Hi Lars and all,Does anyone have an up-to-date matlab script that is shown in the Comsol example to use bisection to get the correct prong length for 400 Hz like in the video below at 49.35 mins...
View ArticleFailed to find solution
Hi allI've been trying to simulate the electric field running throught a conductive liquid, held in a flat plate. I've modeled a high voltage elctrode and a ground electrode, and I've meshed it. But...
View ArticleHow to use the final condition of the model as the initial condition in the...
I am using Comsol 5.4. I am working on a 2-D axisymetric model of an RRAM. In the first study I am assuming a conductive filament of high oxygen vacancy concentration(see Fig.1). After applying a...
View ArticleTuning Fork - Eigenfrequency
Hello,I was wondering could someone tell me why my eigenfrequecy output is like the attached screen capture and not a single value like it it in the comsol model when I specify 1 value not 7.7 values...
View ArticleConfusion in plotting an interpolation function
Dear COMSOLers,In the simplified COMSOL model attached (testCOMSOL.mph) I am using an interpolation function to import a 3D matrix of heat distribution in a cylindrical body, produced and saved as txt...
View ArticleCreating blind holes
Hi,I just started with COMSOL and I wonder how should I create a blind hole? I watched the tutoral and can create through-hole now.
View ArticleHot object melting through ice
Hi,I am trying to model the motion of a hot object (like 1 cm diameter ball of Inconel at 50 degrees C) which has it's own internal heat source through ice at -50 degrees C. Any ideas on how I can...
View ArticleZak phase/ Berry Connection Photonic Crystals
Hi, I'm using COMSOL to solve eigenfrequency of photonic crystals. I obtained eigenfrequency, eigenmodes. How can I export all the eigenfunctions to calculate Zak phase? Can anyone help? Thank you in...
View ArticleHow to select multiple boundries?
Hi:I have constructed the metasurface geometry with matlab script. Now I'm trying to creat mesh, but as in the picture, there are way too many surface to select manually, and it seems that the number...
View Articleusing lindev operator to calculate the impedance of fuel cell
Hi, I´m trying to simulate the EIS of PEM fuel cell using the Equation-Based Modeling (Weak Form PDE). The used PDE equation is the Diffusion equation, with Butler-Volmer equation to determine the flow...
View ArticleFSI Model: Deformable moving solid spheres in a pipe flow
Hello Everyone, I am new to COMSOL and hence I am sorry if I am unable to explain the details more clearly.I am trying to develop a FSI model to simulate deformable spheres moving in blood...
View ArticlePrescribed stress on solid
Hello,I would like to know if there's an option to apply prescribed stress or something alike instead of forces since I want to simulate deformations which are not caused by forces.I know hygroscopic...
HelloI'm doing a 2D model of a transient incompressible air flow. I have 3 rectangular regions. Actually the central rectangle is intended to represent a porous medium, but I will activate this option...
View ArticleDeleting specific times in solution
Hello,I have a model that is very large (1.5Gb). When solving, I decided to store many time steps, but I realize that I do not need that many stored solutions and would like to reduce the size of my...
View ArticleHow to reuse the result of a previous simulation as an input for the second...
Hi, I am looking for the steps needed to reuse a deformed hyperelastic shape with stress results created in response to a prescribed displacement, for a second simulation with new boundary conditions....
View ArticleMass balance error
Hello There,I am using the Comsol 5.3a CFD module to study laminar flow in simple geometry. the relevant COMSOL file and geormetry discription photo have been attached.Geometry:there are two parallel...
View ArticleFailed to copy mesh due to different number of elements, but the number of...
I'm trying to create a periodic mesh on a stochastically generated geometry contained within a cubical domain. To ensure that the mesh is periodic I do the meshing step by step by first meshing three...
View ArticleIntegration of current density vector (J) on a surface
Hi everyone,I have understanding problem with results of integration of current density vector (J) on a surface. The J vector have same norm and tang (mostly x direction) component as you can see on...
View Article"Attempt to evaluate negative power of zero" error for large deformations of...
Hello everyone,I am having trouble simulating the bending of a flexible hollow tube when internal pressure is applied. A drawing of my system can be found in the image attached. The geometry consists...
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