Reaction force on cantilever beam
I am modelling a mechanical structure in comsol, as a part of my research work. so I want to find the reaction force on the beam. How can i get that information. Any help can be appreciated. Thanking...
View ArticleObtaining Connectivity Matrix
Hello,I am using Comsol 5.4. I need to get the connectivity matrix so that I will use the nodal values to calculate the elemental values in Matlab.Thank you,
View ArticleHow to create vary refractive Index with respect to radian.
I want to create a funtions with take radian of a sphere as an argument an give out put as refractive Index
View ArticleIs there a way to find index of refraction in the RF modules
Hello, I am trying to create an inhomogenous material in COMSOL made from autogeneration of many smaller cells and then compare to a homogenous material whoose index of refraction I will set manually...
View ArticleScattered field formulation: User defined k vectors for floquet periodicity
I am trying to simulate a gold resonator on substrate excited by an incident linearly polarized plane wave. I am using the scattered field formulation to do this (instead of port boundary conditions)...
View ArticleFrequency sweep for boundary load but except for gravity
Hi all,The situation that I want to simulate is this: There is a cylinder, and gravity is applied. Then I give boundary load on the floor of the cylinder. I want to change the frequency of boundary...
View ArticleCreating temperature gradient
Good day,I am new with COMSOL and I am trying to create a model represeting water flowing in injection well. I build a model that consist of three domain: 1. Water, which is inside of the well 2. Well...
View ArticleControlling the Geometry Shape Order - How to Always Get Isoparametric Elements!
The below post is related to an archived discussionHi Everyone,I still have a question concerning the above post. Here are the details again:I am trying to simulate a simple MBB problem (with filleted...
View ArticleJacobian matrix for External material model
Dear all:I developed an external material model in which the stress was updated incrementally, which is differnt from the stress update algorithm in the BLOG which is defined by total value. Now I have...
View ArticleModelling Inviscid Exterior Flow
Hello, I am fairly new to comsol and am currenlty utilizing its CFD packed. My goal is to model a angled plate traveling in water and model the flow as inviscid. I have been able to correctly model the...
View ArticleHelp on Hollow Cathode Thermal Modelling
Hi, I am absolutely new to Comsol, and I want to model a Thermal Model for Hollow Cathode based on the paper done by Sary. I don't know where to start!...
View ArticleSTL file export and import creates strange defect
Hello,I am generating a geometry by solving a system of PDEs in COMSOL and exporting a filtered volume plot of the variable of interest as an .STL file.My issue is that once I import this .STL file...
View ArticleElectrochemical machining
Hi all , I am working on Electrochemical machining 3D geometry simulation, if anybody is working on same can help me, i have some doubt in that. thanks
View ArticleRandom() function in Application Builder
Hi everyone. I develop the application for my graduation work in Comsol Multiphysics 5.4 and I have a problem. I need to initialize a random variable in the method, but I get an error "Random cannot be...
View ArticleStudy error : NaN or Inf found when solving linear system using SOR.
Hello,I am trying to calculate the electric field distribution on a nanocube when illuminated by a background electric field. I used 'Elecrtromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain'. I used the scatteing...
View ArticleExporting the 'mesh element number'
The below post is related to an archived discussionHello,Exporting the 'mesh element number' expression gives double numbers in 3rd column. I didn't understand why they are double. Can you help me...
View ArticleGPU support
Hi all,I'd like to know if the latest version of COMSOL supports gpu usage to speed up computations, and if not, are there any plans for a future gpu integration?
View ArticleHow can I render a boundary acoustically invisible?
I have setup a geometry on comsol to investigate the transient behaviour of waves incident to it. I have modelled this by importing the geometry to comsol, surrounding it by a sphere and inserted a...
View ArticleSimulation of wheel rotation on the road
Hi everyone I am new to COMSOL and I want to simulate wheel rotation on the road to study the effect of wheel misalignment on velocity and accerleration. Any suggestion on which physics should I use?
View ArticleHow to add The surface tension effect to the new viscoelastic module V5.5
Dear all,I really like tha new update of V 5.5 for ading a new viscoelastic flow but it dosnĀ“t have the same features like laminar flow.Please i want to add the surface tension a viscoelastic flow,...
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