The below post is related to an archived discussion
I am having a similar experience as Pierre Guilleme (linked above), but with an acoustics model. I wish to export the imaginary component of acoustic pressure along a cut line to MATLAB and am finding some sort of jitter (supplementary points as Pierre calls them) in my MATLAB data. Two figures are attached for reference.
My model: Frequency Domain: An idealized 3D pipe acoustics model straight out of a textbook (no crazy boundaries, etc). A Cut Line has been defined along the center axis of the pipe. Using a Line Graph in COMSOL, I can easily plot imaginary pressure the expected smooth curve.
In MATLAB, I am using the command
data = mphinterp(model,{'imag(acpr.p_t)'},'dataset','cln1','solnum',1);
to retrieve the values for the first solution of my frequency sweep.
What are these extraneous points? Is there a more efficient way to export this data into MATLAB?
Michael Rouleau