I am trying to design a microstrip patch antenna in comsol multiphysics software. I saw a video on youtube in which they were designing it in CST software. I had the student version of CST software, so i followed the step in the video and designed the antenna. The results obtained from the antenna in my CST software were good. However, now i am trying to design the same antenna with all same parameters in comsol multiphysics and getting awful results.
My problem is in CST they were using wave port for exciting the antenna, which was very big and almost floating in the air. In my case, in comsol, i am using lumped port for it. which is very small in size than the waveport of CST.
Can anyone tell me how should i get the good results in comsol software, the only difference which i can see in designing the antenna in CST and comsol is waveport.
Please help