Hello everyone!
I'm working on a transient model consisting of one piezoelectric emitter transducer, one receiver and a cylindrical short sample. My first approach was to use one single Pressure Acoustics, Transient interface branch to obtain the acoustic pressure field of the entire model (emitter + sample + receiver). My second approach was to use 3 simultaneous Pressure Acoustics, Transient interface branches, one for each component, and connect them with appropriate Pressure and Impedance boundary conditions on the contact faces.
In the end, both methods provided different solutions. The first method (denoted as 1-P in the attached images) gave me a lossless periodic signal and the second method (denoted as 3-P in the attached images) gave me a periodic signal that asymptotically goes to zero as if I had inserted losses, which I didn't. Why both methods provide different solutions?