I'm new to COMSOL and would like to ask if anyone know whether my idea below will work or not?
I'm trying to create a model for interaction between two objects with the load being distance dependent. Object A serves as a base which can be considered as rigid. Object B approach Object A by an attractive force which is dependent on the relative location between Object A and B at each time point. Object B will deform based on the load and the shape of Object A when they come into contact
To compute the attractive force, first I will Object A and B. The force will exist between each pair of elements between the objects. For example, for element 1 in Object B, there will be force between it and each element in Object A. Then the total force applied on element 1 in Object B is the sum of all forces. As a summary, the force on each element in Object B will be different and dependent on its location.
Does anyone know if this is achievable by COMSOL? If so, may I ask for some suggestions on how to compute the distances between elements?
Thank you!