I'm seeking more information about the Advanced tab fields for the Export Data node. I'm exporting the electric potential V and field variables es.Ez, es.Ex, es.Ey for a solution to an electrostatics BVP. I'm having the points evaluated on a grid in a spreadsheet format. Under the advanced tab, there are options to evaluate in the lagrange points or gauss points. There are also smoothing, resolution, and recovery options.
For resolution, the Custom option allows you to put in the order of the element. My understanding is that the element order is quadratic for the potential V (linear for E) to start with. However when I compare the output using order 1, 2, and 3, the output is exactly the same. I can understand that for E, 1 is the maximum order available. So does this mean 2nd order is enforced automatically for V?
Additionally, smoothing or no smoothing makes no difference. What is the intended effect of this option? Likewise with recovery?
Thanks, Yelena