I have a system which takes advantage of the inherient loss in the system. The simulation result is quite good in frequency domain. And the system inherient loss is modeled by assigning a complex sound speed in the material.
Now I want to check the propagation process in time domain. It seems that this technique does not work in time domain since I will get a very far off result after roughly 0.2 s by only changing the sound speed into the same complex number. If I change the sound speed back to a real number, the result converges but it's not desireable since the lack of dissipation in the system.
Now my question is, is there a similar trick in time domain to account for the dissipation in the system. There's no limit on the accuracy of the representation, i.e. as long as there's a consistent and predictable in the system, it's fine. Thanks in advance.
Best Regards, Zhang Ze