how do I get axial symmetrie in Coefficient PDE? I have a 2D Axial-Symmetry-Model. Whenever I create a new standard Physics, Comsol automatically adds the "Axial Symmmetry 1" as a boundary condition which you cannot remove.
When I create a Coefficient PDE, there is NO Axial Symmetry added by default and COMSOL does NOT allow to select the symmetry axis when I choose Boundaries -> Periodic Condition.
Instead I have a *Zero Flux *boundary condition which I cannot overwrite properly.
Alternative solution approach: Is there a way to define a flux which is NOT perpendicular to the boundary surface in Coefficient PDE? The perpendicular zero flux is not valid for me but I have no other option... Basically I want to have zero flux in r-coordinate as a boudnary condition, but the limit of the region is not perpendicular to r.
I appreciate your help,
Thanks Kup