Dear All, I have a question that could be straight forward but I can not find its solution. I appreciate your help. I am using Comsol Livelink for Matlab to program a comsol .mph file. everything works fine and now I am progrmamming the graphs and plots in the results. I simply want to change the property of a 1D point graph (Line markers), the vlaues I need to change are as follows: Line MArkers, Marker=Point, Positioning=In data points.
I fail to do it, I managed successfully to change the Line style from Solid to None. and it works using command: ptgr1.set('linestyle','none'); but when I try to do something similar with line markers instead of line style using commands: ptgr1.set('linemarkers','+'); ptgr1.set('positioning','In data points');
, it gives me an error: Unknown property.
- Property: linemarkers
I want to know what is the name of the property to change the line marker type and positioning. I attach a screenshot fo the properites I need to find their corresponding commands. Thanks a lot. I can also find that the documnetation of the Comsol Livelink with Matlab does not contain the full set of commands (for example, I did not find the commands that match with the aforementioned problem). I would appreciate if you can help me find the full list of commands (instead of the sample commands in the livelink documentaiton.)
Thanks a lot for oyur assistance. Best Regards, Hossam