I am having issues using the Global Evaluation function emw.rGaindBEfar. I receive this error. Any direction to overcome this problem would be greatly appreciated,
Undefined variable. - Variable: x - Global scope Illegal destination coordinates in convolution integral kernel. - Operator: EfarxEfaryEfarz - Global scope Failed to evaluate expression. - Expression: Efarx(x,y,z) Failed to evaluate expression. - Expression: abs(Efarx(x,y,z)) Failed to evaluate variable. - Variable: comp1.emw.normEfar - Defined as: sqrt(((abs(Efarx(x,y,z))^2)+(abs(Efary(x,y,z))^2))+(abs(Efarz(x,y,z))^2)) Failed to evaluate variable. - Variable: comp1.emw.rGaindBEfar - Defined as: 10log10((unit_ohm_cf(5(comp1.emw.normEfar^2)))/((abs(unit_V_cf)^2)3)) Failed to evaluate expression. - Expression: comp1.emw.rGaindBEfar