I'm trying to set up a geometry with topography under a dome of other material. There are two ways I've attempted to do this, described below. In both cases, I set up a parametric surface using the topography data.
1) Add an ellipsoid after the topography parametric surface. Then use partition objects to partition the ellipsoid using the parametric surface. After this, I would plan to delete the parts of the ellipsoid below the parametric surface to just have a dome over the topography. I have used similar steps when creating simpler geometries like this one. However, in this case I get an error: "Internal error in geometry decomposition. Detail: Error in parameter domain topological analysis."
2) Add a second parametric surface with a dome shape after the topography parametric surface. Add an ellipse beneath the dome parametric surface and use it to convert the dome to a solid. Use partition objects to partition the dome with the topography parametric surface. Again, I would then plan to delete the parts of the dome below the parametric surface. In this case, I do not get an error, but the dome is not actually partitioned.
I'm sure these problems are related to the complexity of the topography that I'm using. However, I have set up similar geometry with somewhat less complicated topography, so I'm hoping it is possible. Unfortunately, the files are too large to upload even after doing everything recommended to decrease the file size, but I've attached some screenshots. I would appreciate any recommendations for solving these problems or other ways that I might be able to create a geometry like this.