I'm consistently running into the "No convergence, even when using the minimum damping factor" error. I want to model a multiphase system with an air bubble rising in turbulent water. The system is closed, so there are now flows, just the water moving due to being heated. I'm using a time-dependent study w/ phase initialization (a stationary soln cannot be found). No matter how much I refine my mesh, I cannot get it to converge. I've implemented nonlinear computations and the works, and still no convergence. Can someone please give me some guidance? Here is the download link: https://secure.comsol.com/download/support/file/1/5/2/2/6/0/6/2/rising%20air%20bubble_turbulent.mph?gda=1596841166_41f23847b7931a3b58487404df89ce8b&fileExt=.mph