I'm attempting to generate a time-varying current in a circular coil to observe the induced electric fields, but I'm running into some issues.
First, when I enter a constant value for I_coil, I still get a positive value for the E-field in the simulation environment - there are no other sources, so I don't see how the E-field could be non-zero for a DC current.
Second, when I enter a current value above some limit, the solver diverges. For example, 0.222 A works but 0.5 A does not.
Lastly, when I modify the I_coil variable to be time-dependent, my results don't make sense. I set I_coil to be 4sin(2pifreqt) with freq = 70 kHz. The output of the electric field was on the order of magnitude of 10^-13. On the other hand, a frequency solver produces results quantitatively in line with what I would expect (E-field on the order of 10's-100's of V/m). Am I formatting the I_coil equation wrong or is there something I need to modify to manifest the correct induced E-field behavior?
Thank you for your help, and I've attached the file.