Hello, I am trying to model the diffusion of a redox active molecule. I tried to use the Electroanalysis physics but I am not sure how to choose my geometry and reaction. I tried choosing a quartre circle (radius 0.01m) geometry and a point located on one of the circles boundries (r direction) at 0.0015m (the electrode radius). I want to take in account that there's a redox reaction on the eletrode and to see the diffusion of the oxidized species. I chose as initial values 0 for the oxidized species, but not sure what to do about the reduced species. I want to limit it to be only in the electrode area and not in the entire domain...I used a concentraion boundry and tried different options for cRed and cOx (redcued and oxidized species), but I am getting negative concentrations in the solution: option 1: cRed = 0.2e-6 - cOx cOx = 0
option 2: cRed - 0,2e-6 cOx = 0
How do i avoid these negative concentrations?