First of all I am very new to COMSOL in learning phase (aligned to the learning phase of thermal propagation)
I am trying to see if I can simulate an active antenna I've designed using CST. I was able to import the design using a .stp file. The idea was to simulate something like this. However, in this webinar everything is already defined and so I have no clue on how to define my materials (copper, RO4003B and so on). Even more, for my chip I'd have a dissipated power and a thermal resistance. To my knowledge this is not suited for COMSOL as it uses a more complex model, so I thought in triend a Heat rate simulation using the dissipated power as value. But then again it it requires me to define my materials and so on. Can someone indicate me a way to properly describe each material of each element I've?
you can see an image of the import properly working.