Dear COMSOLers,
In my 3D model (prenested in the COMSOL Discussion Forum here) I want to study the skin effect in the conductor body (in frequancy domian study). Because the condcutor thickness is very small and at higher frequencies the current is being driven closer to the boundaries, I need to apply much finer mesh (to the conductor domain) to resolve the spatial variation of the fields. With the structure large aspect ratio, it seems very diffcult for my computational resources to withstand this huge meshing matrix. Since my model is azimuthely symmetric, I decided to study it in a 2D Axial-Symetric reference farme (attached is a simplified model). However, I faced an "old" problem: how I can apply the current in r-z plane instead of normal to plane? I see that this issue was discussed decade ago here, however, I still cannot get how to do it. It also seems that there is a similar study done by COMSOL and published here, but I cannot find details on this study!
How can I apply current in r-z plane in 2D axial-symmetry model?
Regards, Tamer