Hello! I'm analysing a structure which contains two domes stacked on top of each other, with the curved surfaces in touch. However, when I applied a pressure on the topmost surface of the upper dome, there was minimal deformation produced in the bottom dome. I suspected that there was a problem with the contact, so I carried out two similar simulations using two rectangular blocks and two conical frustra respectively. I maintained the same object thickness and material properties throughout for fair comparison.
The deformation produced in the bottom rectangular block was a lot more significant than that produced in the bottom conical frustrum and bottom dome. Even when I increased the pressure tenfold, to the point where the top dome almost completely collapsed, there was still little to no deformation in the bottom dome.
Are the problems that I am facing due to inherent software limitations? Or am I doing something wrong?
Details of my simulations can be found on the google site accessible via this link: https://sites.google.com/view/comsoltroubleshooting2/home?authuser=2
Can someone with expertise in this area kindly offer some guidance? Thank you so much! :)