Hi guys, hope you're doing well. I am working on Solid Mechanics Module in COMSOL 5.4. I am stuck at one step. I applied some forces to a sheet and the deformed sheet is recorded in Study1. Now, I want to use the obtained deformed geomety (along with Stresses and Strains recorded) in Study1 as the initial geometry for Study2. In Study2, I will simply apply few more forces and try to find out the final stresses.
Summary of my query: i) Transfer solutions (Stresses, Strain and the deformed geometry) from one study to another.
ii) Is there any way to do this in the same COMSOL file using 2 studies or I need to extract the solutions and import them in another COMSOl file?
I know some od you might point me out to this link: https://www.comsol.com/blogs/how-to-reuse-a-deformed-shape-as-a-geometry-input/ But here it is clearly mentioned that, 'Please note that remeshing a deformed configuration means simply obtaining the deformed shape computed in structural analysis. When we use this deformed geometry for a later analysis, we are not considering residual stresses. If the second analysis is another structural analysis, keep in mind that the** remeshed configuration is being used as a stress-free configuration** for subsequent studies.' Whereas, I want the stresses to be present in there.
I hope I will get some guidence on how to approach this problem here.