I'm interested in calculating the reflection coefficient (aka trasfer impedance) of two geometries as a function of frequency and Mach number. One is a perforated plate with bias flow, the other is a nozzle with flow. I want to run separate simulations for each.
For the nozzle: my idea would be to have fixed diameter tubes before and after the nozzle, with a fixed flow rate of air and white noise plane wave excitation at the inlet. The conditions that interest me range from low to sonic throat Mach numbers. I have the CAD files for both.
Since it involves fluid flow and acoustics, would I only need the Acoustics and CFD module (maybe Pipe Flow?). Would this be feasible in COMSOL? If so, what would be things I should consider in case I choose to go forward with this approach? Are there tutorials available for either of these options?
Thank you in advance.