I want to get permittivity value (which is 3x3 matrix) with mphinterp but couldn't do that since it is 3x3 material property. Can you please help me about it?
The command below defines the defined COMSOL interpolation function in MATLAB file: model.component('comp1').material('mat4').propertyGroup('PoroelasticModel').set('hydraulicpermeability', {'PERM(x,y,z)' '0' '0' '0' 'PERM(x,y,z)' '0' '0' '0' 'PERM(x,y,z)' });
I need to get values via mphinterp function, but this doesn't give me the values. It gives zeros: hydraulicpermeability = mphinterp(model, {'PERM(x,y,z)' '0' '0' '0' 'PERM(x,y,z)' '0' '0' '0' 'PERM(x,y,z)' }, 'coord',OCT_points);
Those 9 terms are the elements of the 3x3 matrix. Since permittivty is isotropic in this case, others are zero.
For porosity (which is 1x1 material property) the below commands work. model.component('comp1').material('mat4').propertyGroup('PoroelasticModel').set('porosity', 'PORE(x,y,z)'); porosity=mphinterp(model,'PORE(x,y,z)','coord',Points);
I would be happy if you can answer, Thank you, Mervenaz