Hello, I am interested in modelising the elasto-acoutic coupling of a thin plate surrounded by air. My model is a plate surrounded by a sphere of air. My problem is that if when I change the radius of the sphere or even when the plate changes position inside the sphere, the eigenfrequencies of the plate change quite a lot For exemple, a given eigenmode with an eigenfrequency of 1285 Hz inside a 40cm radius has an eigenfrequency of 2007 Hz in a 80 cm radius sphere. Would you have a clue on how to fix this problem ? An other information that might (or might not !) be usefull is that when I compute the eigenfrequency study, the eigenmodes of both the sphere and the plate are return. Would there be a way to compute the eigenmodes of the plate only, still taking into acount the elasto-acoustic conversion without the geometry of the volume of air being an issue ? Thank you for your help, Best wishes, Chloë