I am trying to use a coding approach, for varying models etc, to building my simulation. When it comes to exporting results I want to export values of data on a surface.
So I have a domain and I want to select a surface for the result output. It looks like this at the moment.
model.result.create('pg1', 'PlotGroup3D'); model.result('pg1').create('surf1', 'Surface'); model.result('pg1').feature('surf1').create('sel1', 'Selection'); model.result('pg1').feature('surf1').feature('sel1').selection('geom_dsv_dom'); model.result('pg1').feature('surf1').feature('sel1').selection.set([137 138 139 140 210 211 216 217]);
The question is, I dislike using the numbers, hard coded for the boundaries, and want to know how to use a selection tag to do this. I can get a selection to the domain, that the surface I want defines as follows
dsv =model.selection('geom1_dsv_dom');
(_bnd does not work)
but how can iuse this to make the selection in my result output?