I am struggling with importing complex geometries of fault systems into my 3D geological model in COMSOL. I have tried many techniques and all of them seem to fail. See the description below:
1) I tried to include faults with a .dxf file and the fault geometry is nicely imported, however it seems to be weirdly compartmentalized and rather too complex (see picture). I am not able to merge this geometry into one surface.
2) I tried to import it as a polygon (just using the boundary lines of the fault) with a closed curve. Polygons are nicely imported, however i am unable to create solid or surface out of it (i get a message that output object is empty) (see picture).
3) I tried to import it using the interpolation function. It seems to import well the geometry, but as the geometry is pretty complex, i am left out with weirdly quazi-horizontal planes on the top and the bottom of the fault (see pictures), which i cannot remove as the surface is not 100% flat.
Does anybody have similar issue? I would very much appreciate some help and some suggestions how I can implement faults into my 3D geological model. See pictures below.