Hello! Tell me please different between boundary conditions: heat flux and external radiation source. I have two COMSOL project with thermal analysis: 1) Heat Transfer in Solids; 2) Heat Transfer With Surface-to-Surface Radiation. In both cases, the geometry (solid cube) and mesh are the same. In the first case my model has boundary conditions as heat flux on one side: 1000 W/m^2. In the second case my model (solid cube too) has boundary conditions on one side as external radiation source - infinite distance - posotion Y (-1) - Source Heat Flux: 1000 W/m^2 too. In the both analysis a Surface Emessivity is 0.6 on all outer sides of cube. Study: Stationary. As a result, the calculation results: temperatures, are differ from each other. Why?!!! I thought I would get the same results. What is the reason for this difference? Thank tou