I am running a simulation to estimate the pressure accross a complicated microfluidic network, but let's say it is a straght channel. I have experimental data of the fluid velocity at the center of the pipe, which I import to COMSOL, but I am having difficulty assigning that velocity to a face within the pipe. I tried partitioning the pipe into 2 domains with the same fluid properties, and then select their boundary to set the fully developed velocity there, but COMSOL doesn't let me select it as an inlet and I am not aware of any other options instead of an inlet.
Is there a way to set a velocity/flow between the two fluid domains? One solution I came up with is to make two separate domains, but I am not sure if that is the best solution given that I want to run a time-dependent study on the whole microfluidic network and having two separate simulations will complicate things.
Thank you for your assistance!