Dear all, I want to speed up my computations using the parfor loop in MATLAB. Therefore, I called 5 comsol server and use 5 workers in Matlab to connect these comsol servers. Below is the which called the comsol servers:
#BSUB -q mpi
#BSUB -n 24
#BSUB –o %J.out
#BSUB –e %J.err
killall -9 comsollauncher java
sleep 15s
comsol server -np 1 -silent -port 1036 -tmpdir temporary_files1 &
comsol server -np 1 -silent -port 1046 -tmpdir temporary_files2 &
comsol server -np 1 -silent -port 1056 -tmpdir temporary_files3 &
comsol server -np 1 -silent -port 1066 -tmpdir temporary_files61 &
comsol server -np 1 -silent -port 1076 -tmpdir temporary_files81 &
sleep 60s
matlab -nodisplay -r three_D_aquifer_HPTT_parallel
It seems that when I only use one comsol server, this worked well. But when I use 5 comsol server, it will produce the error like:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error initializing storage.
Caused by: /share/home/shixq2/.comsol/v54/configuration/comsol/org.eclipse.osgi/.manager/.fileTableLock (No such file or directory)
Do you have any suggestions how to make this work?
Thank you in advance!