Hello everyobdy and thanks to those who will help me! I want to model the following system: a piston wrapped in a toroidal membrane. The external boundary of the toroid must be fixed, while the internal one must connected to the piston so that when the piston is moved (horizontally, vertically or rotating) the membrane is tensioned and deformed. I tried to use physics "Membrane" for the toroid but this carries out very strange behaviour so I'm handling it as simple "Solid Mechanics". How can I fix the toroid to the piston? I used "Rigid Connector" but problem is that all the toroid/membrane moves with the piston while I just want the internal boundary moves with it. Moreover, even if I fix the external boundary, it slides along the vertical so membrane does not deform. If anyone could help me, I would appreciate it very much. Thank you! Stefano