Dear all,
I tested the example for using mapmatrix in the LiveLink™ for MATLAB® User’s Guide. The matlab code is listed as follows
model = mphopen('modeltutorialllmatlab'); std ='std1'); time = std.feature.create('time', 'Transient'); time.set('tlist', 'range(0,1,25)');; str = mphmatrix(model,'sol1','out',{'K'},'initmethod','sol','initsol','sol1','solnum',15);
However, if another solution number is specified, an error will be found.
str = mphmatrix(model,'sol1','out',{'K'},'initmethod','sol','initsol','sol1','solnum',11);
The error imformation is:
Error using mphmatrix Cannot set the property 'solnum' to '11'. Allowed values are: 'auto' 'first' 'last' 'interp' 'manual' '1'
How to solve this problem? Thanks.