Hi there,
I am currently working on a 2D CFD-simulation, and I've come accross the following problem to which I cannot find a solution:
I want to define three additional domains in the geometry I've built, and calculate some additional results (values and plots) in post-processing.
However, when I build the mesh for the entire model, the mesher makes use of these boundaries as well, resulting in a much higher element count and sending computation times through the roof. This high element count is mostly due to the fact that the additional boundaries are adjacent to some circles, and the mesher fills up the narrow spikes on the intersentions with an unnecessarily fine mesh.
I'd like to tell the mesher to exclude these additional boundaries when meshing, but I want to keep these visible in plots and easily accessible for post processing. Ignore edges removes the possibility to do so, and the mesh control edges/domain virtual operations don't provide a solution either. Does anyone know what to do?
Thanks in advance for your help.