Hello everyone.
I have been using COMSOL Multipysucs since last few months. I was previously working with piezoelectric devices and the results were dead on with analytical results. My current work is focused on magnetostricitive material and I have to apply electric potential as an input in my model. In physics tab I was unable to find electric potential in physics tab of magnetic field. I thought of adding electrostatics physics to magnetostricton multipysics which is inbuilt in comsol. I couldn't find a way to couple them, is there any other way to couple them or apply electric potential with exisiting model?
I also want to know how to couple solid mechanics, electrostatics and magneticfields physics in a multiphysics. As my model consist of two parts Piezomagnetic material and Piezoelctric material which couples and forms a Magnetostrictive behavior. An image of my model is attached for further information.