I am simulating a nanoparticle "sphere" moving through a creeping fluid flow. Two physics are activated : 1- creeping flow 2- moving mesh ALE
The ALE Boundary conditions are : - Prescribed mesh displacement : 4 walls of the nanochannel - Free deformation: Both the fluid and solid domains - Prescribed mesh velocity: Boundaries of the sphere solid domain
The Creeping flow Boundary conditions are : - Walls with No-slip Bcs and Zero transnational velocity "Fixed wall": The side walls of the nanochannel - Open boundaries: the inlet and outlet wall of the nanochannel - Walls with No-slip Bcs and transnational velocity "Automatic from frame": Boundaries of the sphere solid domain
The problem i have that, there is no re meshing is taking place, Although i activated the automatic remeshing button, and the mesh is highly distorted and stretched as shown in the attached images. Any help to figure out the cause of this problem?