Please find the attached models.
I am solving a 2D cantilever problem to get displacements. I discretize my domain with 4 elements and I generate the matlab code to output the displacements. When I use one physics (See attached single_solid_mechanics_physics.m and single_solid_mechanics_physics.mph), I use the code below to output my x and y displacement which is 12*1 matrix from the matlab file.
U = mphgetu(model, 'soltag', 'sol1');
However, when I use two physics (See attached two_solid_mechanics_physics.m and two_solid_mechanics_physics.mph), I carried out the same procedure and I use
U2 = mphgetu(model, 'soltag', 'sol1');
to output my displacement. I anticipate to get 24*1 matrix which will be u and v displacment for the two physics.
But I got 38*1 matrix. I have tried to figure this out but to no avail. Please, help me. I only need the depedent variables. That is, u and v displacment for the two physics. How can I output only the dependent variables while solving this class of problem?