Hi Everyone,
I am trying to extract results at the gauss points of tri elements. The problem is: I am having trouble assigning each gauss point to its corresponding element. A snapshot from my code in Matlab is as follows:
%% To extract results at integration gaussian points %%%%%%%%% model.result.numerical.create('sed_gp','Eval'); model.result.numerical('sed_gp').set('pattern','gauss'); model.result.numerical('sed_gp').set('gporder','1'); model.result.numerical('sed_gp').set('expr','solid.Ws'); model.result.numerical('sed_gp').getVertexElements();
I understand that by using getVertexElements(), I should get mesh elements' indices for each point. However, the output of this function has indices far greater than the number of elements, so I am not sure how to interpret them.
The other long solution I am currently using is by extracting the coordinates of each element's nodes, and using inpolygon function in Matlab to try to place each gaussian points inside its corresponding element. I have to use a for loop for this function, so it would be intensive with fine meshes.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Kindly let me know if you need any more information.
Thanks, Mohamed Abdelhamid