When I use level set method and coupled NS-Darcy to simulation two-phase flow, After about the 60-80 seconds (runnign time is about 24-36 hours), the software would stop work. when i click the stop button, the log will show following *4145 81.86 0.02 27896 27898 27896 2 0 2 Group #1: 13948 13949 13948 9.5e-16 7.2e-16 Group #2: 13948 13949 13948 6.2e-11 1.3e-14 4146 81.88 0.02 27904 27906 27904 2 0 2 Group #1: 13952 13953 13952 1.3e-15 8e-16 Group #2: 13952 13953 13952 1.8e-10 1.7e-13 Sep 25, 2019 8:37:01 AM Waiting for current operation to stop ... ...................................................... Sep 25, 2019 9:24:32 AM Waiting for current operation to stop ... The software stop work and we cannot cancel it. what is the problem? whether this is a bug of RAM management. additionally, when we test the model, we need frequently halt the running. on this way, the stop work time would move up.