Hello everyone,
I'm a beginner with COMSOL and recently got a problem with my simulation. The modell is a thin copper coil, with the section of . The material is copper and the domain physics is defined as coil/single conductor. I ran the simulation at low frequency(70-100kHz), but the solver cannot converge, no matter how I tried to change or refine the mesh. At higher frequence (from about 2MHz) it worked well.
I guess the reason of it is the skin effect, beacause the skin depth at e.g. 90kHz is 0.22mm, which is bigger than the coil section depth(70um) but smaller than its length(1mm). Is it the reason why the simulation do not converge? And if so, how could I fix it to get the simulation result in low frequence domain? Thanks for your help!
Best regards