In COMSOL, I have a flat plate with an irregular surface. Flux of a dilute species is occurring across the irregular surface boundary (in 2D) and I'm looking to define the concentration of the dilute species at the boundary. However, the concentration is not a set value and changes with the y position on the boundary (relative to a fixed point in the geometry).
I have the equation created as a variable in COMSOL, but when I try to call the variable in the concentration tab under the TDS module, the program gives me an error. I know that the setup is correct, because when the concentration is a fixed value, the program converges. What I need help with is making the concentration a variable and not a parameter. My COMSOL experience is limited so, I appreciate any help I can get. Thank you.
p.s. In the file, I'm using a flat plate instead of the irregular surface just to get started and get the math working.