I'm pleased to announce that COMSOL Multiphysics® 5.4 is now available. For details, visit: www.comsol.com/release/5.4
Release highlights:
- COMSOL Compiler: For creating standalone executable applications.
- Composite Materials Module: For modeling layered materials.
- COMSOL Multiphysics: Multiple parameter nodes in the Model Builder. Group Model Builder nodes into folders. Coloring of physics and geometry selections. Several times faster solution time in the Windows® 7 and 10 operating systems for computers with more than 8 processor cores.
- Multiphysics: Heat transfer, electric currents, and Joule heating in thin layered structures.
- Electromagnetics: Fully parametric and ready-to-use parts for coils and magnetic cores.
- Structural-thermal-optical-performance (STOP) analysis for ray optics.
- Structural: Shock response spectrum analysis. Material activation for additive manufacturing.
- Acoustics: Acoustic ports. Nonlinear acoustics Westervelt model.
- Fluid flow:Large eddy simulation (LES). Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) for multiphase flow and multibody dynamics.
- Heat transfer: Heat radiation with diffuse-specular reflections and semi-transparent surfaces. Light-diffusion equation.
- Chemical: Lumped models for batteries. Updated thermodynamics interface.
- Optimization: New topology optimization tool.