I'm pretty hardstuck here on simulating a filter. The case: Each time a particle goes through the porous media, the permability should increase by a factor of 2 or more in the given element for which the particle is within.
I am aware that the free and porous media flow has to be recalculated for each time step , and currently is dissabled. This is due to the fact that i cannot change the permability as a function of the fpt.rpd variable. The initial run fails because of a divison by zero ( because fpt.rpd is 0 until any particle enters the domain :-)....)
I can show that the mesh element contains a particle and is therefore painted green
Its just an example case, so dont mind the mesh size or timestep size etc. this would be incorporated into a more whole model - when i understand this :-)
Any input would be much appreciated. Best regards Per.