In the users' guide, it is suggested as bellow to allow comsol run External Function for livelink with matlab: In the COMSOL Desktop go to the Preferences and select Security, in the General section select Allow external MATLAB© functions. Then click OK. In the COMSOL Server, you need to connect as administrator then go to Administration>Preferences, in the Security section set Allow external MATLAB© functions to On. Then click OK.
but little information is provided about how to connect as administrator on a server. Actually, little information is provided about anything of the serve. Where can I learn about command for comsol server.
Also, it is said, Add the flag -allowexternalmatlab on to the COMSOL start-up command to enable external processes., to use command to make it happen alternatively. But where should I carry out the COMSOL start-up command? And where should I add the flag? Is it some sort of prompt that I didn't notice?