First, I am new to COSMOL so I hope you can excuse whatever ignorance I may have for this tool.
The COMSOL Helmholtz coil demo models a 10-turn Helmholtz coil pair with 25mA of current. The model uses a relative permeability of 1 for all domains and the current density is computed using the homogonized coil model.
Because COMSOL is using the homogonized coil model, I thought that I would be able to validate the tools output by comparing the magnitude of the field at the midpoint of the coils to the analytical solution achivied through the Biot-Savart law:
This solution for the field magnitude assumes an infinitely thin wire layerd inside of itself while COMSOL has a volume with some current density so I expect there to be a difference between the two, but I did not expect it to be as large as ~17%.
Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.