Dear all,
I am a bit confused about the velocity-pressure coupling in COMSOL. The default solver sets in such a way that, for laminar case, velocity and pressure are solved in fully coupled manner. In case of turbuelnt flow, velocity and pressure are solved in one single segregated step. This means that even in case of turbuelnt flow, velocity and pressure are solved together in one step. I read more about the different velocity pressure coupling algorithm such as SIMPLE,PISO etc. to realize that the coupling algorithms are needed while solving velocity and pressure in segregated manner. Following document elaborates on different velocity-pressure coupling algorithms while solving these two variables in segreagated manner. It is described that the segregated approach is needed to overcome the high computational effort for solving it with fully coupled approach.
In past, I had tried to manually segregate velocity and pressure. I wasn't able to get convergence there. Is it because the velocity-pressure coupling algorithms (SIMPLE, PISO etc) needed for the segregated approach are not available in COMSOL?
How exactly COMSOL is handling the fully coupled approach for velocity and pressure?
Thanks a lot.
Regards, Prajakta Nakate Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.