Hello, I'm using Semiconductor Module to solve drift-diffusion equations for a solar cell in 1D domain with two Metal Contacts (both Ohmic) at left (A) and right (B) point of the domain. Traditionally, photocurrent-voltage curves is calculated by setting voltage at A to 0 V and sweeping the voltage at B from 0 to given voltage.
Now, to compare Comsol results with some published results, I want to make electrostatic potential at B to float free - in other words prescribe Neumann boundary condition for electrostatic potential. AFAIK, Metal contact in Semiconductor Module (both Ohmic and Schottky), prescribes Dirichlet boundary condition for electrostatic potential.
I have two ideas to achieve my goal: i) rewrite Dirichlet condition for potential in the Equation view for Metal Contact ii) incorporate additional metal electrode close to B and use Electrostatics Interface (AC/DC) to set 'Floating Potential' at B
I'd appreciate any feedback on the above ideas or any tips to solution. Best regards Peter